「鶴亀製陶所」は、コタニ陶器株式会社が運営する自社製陶所であり、その名前には日本の伝統的な縁起物である「鶴」と「亀」が由来となっています。 古来より、鶴は「千年生きる鳥」、亀は「万年生きる動物」として、長寿や繁栄を象徴する存在とされてきました。この「鶴」と「亀」を組み合わせた名前には、「末永く続く幸運と繁栄」「不変の美と技術の継承」を願う想いが込められています。

Tsurukame Ceramic Studio is the in-house ceramic workshop of Kotani Pottery Co., Ltd., named after two traditional Japanese symbols of good fortune: the crane (“tsuru”) and the tortoise (“kame”).
In Japanese culture, the crane is believed to live for a thousand years, while the tortoise is said to live for ten thousand years, both representing longevity and prosperity. By combining these two auspicious creatures in its name, the studio embodies a wish for enduring success, fortune, and the preservation of timeless beauty and craftsmanship.
At Tsurukame Ceramic Studio, skilled artisans create each piece with great care, blending respect for traditional techniques with a modern sensibility to meet contemporary needs. Through their handcrafted ceramics, the studio aims to share the beauty and charm of Japanese pottery with audiences both in Japan and around the world.