
鹿児島県 入浴施設 陶浴槽納品
We have delivered a ceramic bathtub to a hot spring facility in Kagoshima Prefecture. This bathtub is characterized by the unique warmth and luxury that only ceramic can offer, enhancing the overall atmosphere of the facility. Thanks to the excellent heat retention properties of ceramic, the water temperature is maintained for a longer period, enhancing the relaxation experience for visitors. Additionally, the smooth texture of the ceramic surface provides a unique comfort that cannot be achieved with ordinary bathtubs.

寿司店に向けて、オリジナルデザインの陶器製まな板皿を制作・納品いたしました。この皿は、寿司の盛り付けを美しく際立たせるために、シンプルながらも高級感のある仕上がりを追求しています。 陶器特有の滑らかな表面と適度な重量感が、寿司ネタの鮮やかさを引き立てるとともに、安定感のある使い心地を提供。お店のコンセプトに合わせ、形状や釉薬の色、模様を一からデザインしました。納品後、お店の職人様からは「お皿一つで寿司の見栄えが格段に上がり、お客様の反応がとても良い」とのお言葉をいただきました。
We have designed and delivered custom ceramic serving plates to a sushi restaurant. These plates were created to beautifully showcase sushi presentations, striking a balance between simplicity and luxury.
The smooth surface and ideal weight of the ceramic material enhance the vivid colors of the sushi ingredients while providing a stable and user-friendly experience. Each plate was custom-designed to match the restaurant’s concept, including the shape, glaze color, and patterns. After delivery, the restaurant’s sushi chef commented, “The presentation of sushi has significantly improved with these plates, and customer reactions have been fantastic.”
Additionally, the ceramic serving plates offer high durability, with customers remarking that “the elegant tableware elevates the entire dining experience.” We are confident that these plates will continue to be cherished by many sushi establishments, enhancing their overall appeal.

新築お祝いプレゼント フクロウの置物
For this decorative piece, we carefully inscribed the recipient family’s surname at the request of the sender. The item features a warm, handcrafted texture and a design with meticulous attention to detail. The recipient family expressed their delight, saying, “We would love to display this at our entrance as a symbol of our home.”
The substantial feel and gentle hues unique to ceramic blend seamlessly with the atmosphere of their new home, making it a cherished interior piece for years to come. We are truly honored that this gift, carrying special memories, has become part of their new chapter in life.

手洗い器 透ける特殊な土を使って制作しております。
高級ホテル・旅館の洗面スペースに、透ける陶器製手洗い鉢を納品いたしました。この手洗い鉢は、光を通す特殊な陶土を使用しており、幻想的な透明感が特徴です。自然光や照明を受けると柔らかな光を放ち、空間全体に洗練された雰囲気をもたらします。 ホテルや旅館の経営者様からは「訪れるお客様に驚きと感動を提供できる」と高く評価されており、特にラグジュアリーなスイートルームやパウダールームで人気を博しています。また、陶器ならではのあたたかみと手作り感が、滞在するお客様に心地よさを与えています。
We have delivered translucent ceramic washbasins to the wash areas of luxury hotels and traditional inns. These basins are made with a special type of ceramic clay that allows light to pass through, creating a magical, translucent effect. When exposed to natural light or artificial illumination, the basins emit a soft, elegant glow, enhancing the sophistication of the entire space.
Hotel and inn owners have praised the basins, stating that they provide guests with a sense of wonder and delight. These washbasins are particularly popular in luxury suites and powder rooms. The warmth and handcrafted charm of the ceramic material offer a comforting atmosphere to guests during their stay.
In the facilities where these basins have been installed, they have contributed to the creation of “memorable and special spaces,” receiving high acclaim. We are honored that the craftsmanship and design of Shigaraki ware have helped elevate the value and appeal of these prestigious establishments.

個性的なインテリアアイテムとして、髑髏(どくろ)をモチーフにした陶器製の植物ポットを制作しました。クールで大胆なデザインが特徴で、観葉植物や多肉植物を植えると、独特の存在感を放ちます。アートや個性を重視する空間にぴったりの一品です。 特に、カフェやギャラリー、モダンなオフィスなどで注目を集めており、「インパクトのある装飾品」として人気です。また、ハロウィンや特別なイベント用のディスプレイとしてもご利用いただいております。
We have created a ceramic plant pot inspired by a skull motif, designed as a unique interior item. This pot features a bold and striking design that stands out, especially when paired with houseplants or succulents, creating a strong and captivating presence. It is an ideal piece for spaces that emphasize art and individuality.
The pot has gained popularity in cafes, galleries, and modern office spaces as a statement decorative item. It is also frequently used for special displays during events such as Halloween. Beyond its visual impact, the pot offers practical benefits with the excellent breathability and moisture retention that ceramic naturally provides, supporting healthy plant growth.
Customers have praised this product as “a perfect balance of art and functionality,” with many placing repeat orders. By combining design and practicality, this plant pot adds a unique charm to any space.

We have produced and delivered custom ceramic bottles featuring a radium glaze for a dining establishment. This glaze contains trace amounts of radium, which is believed to enhance the flavor of beverages such as alcohol and water, making them smoother and more refined.
The restaurant now serves sake and shochu in these radium bottles, receiving high praise from customers for the enhanced aroma and smoother taste. Additionally, the elegant design of the bottles adds a touch of exclusivity, contributing to the restaurant’s branding and ambiance.
These bottles also offer excellent insulation properties, allowing cold sake or water-based drinks to stay at an optimal temperature for extended periods. The restaurant owner expressed satisfaction, noting that the bottles provide a unique and memorable service that sets the establishment apart from competitors.
We remain committed to collaborating with dining establishments to deliver products that create exceptional experiences for their guests.

陶器はオイルの香りを穏やかに広げる特性があり、置いているだけでお部屋にほんのりと心地よい香りを漂わせます。実用性とデザイン性を兼ね備えたこのアイテムは、特にインテリア雑貨を扱う店舗で人気を集めており、「贈り物としても喜ばれる」というお声を多数いただいております。 また、カラーバリエーションや表情の違いを出すことで、手作りならではの温かみと個性を演出。お客様は自分好みの一体を選ぶ楽しさも味わえると好評です。
We have created and delivered charming ceramic bear-shaped ornaments to a specialty goods store. These ornaments are not only visually appealing but also designed to function as diffusers. The back of each ornament features a textured area that can absorb fragrance oils, gently dispersing a pleasant scent throughout the room.
Ceramic has the natural ability to diffuse scents subtly, creating a soothing atmosphere simply by being placed in a space. This item, which combines practicality with aesthetic appeal, has become particularly popular among stores specializing in interior decor. We have received many positive comments, such as “It’s a perfect gift that brings joy to recipients.”
To enhance their uniqueness, each ornament comes in various colors and features slight differences in facial expressions, showcasing the warmth and individuality of handmade craftsmanship. Customers have expressed delight in being able to choose a piece that best matches their personal taste.
This product serves not only as an adorable interior accent but also as a new way to introduce relaxation through scent, making it a beloved addition to any living space.

雑貨店の店頭に並ぶとすぐに注目を集め、特に「お米の甘みや香りが引き立つ」「炊き上がりに艶が出る」といった口コミから人気が広がりました。一般のお客様からは「毎日のご飯が特別なものに感じられる」「炊きたてのご飯を家族で囲むのが楽しみになった」との嬉しいお声をいただいています。 また、シンプルで飽きのこないデザインに仕上げたことで、和洋問わずさまざまなインテリアに調和します。
We have delivered ceramic rice cookers to a specialty goods store. These cookers have received high praise for their ability to produce fluffy, delicious rice, thanks to the ceramic’s excellent heat retention and far-infrared effect.
The rice cookers quickly attracted attention upon being displayed in the store. Word of mouth about their performance spread, with customers noting that the cooker “enhances the natural sweetness and aroma of rice” and “gives a beautiful sheen to the cooked grains.” Many customers have shared positive feedback, such as, “Our daily rice feels special now,” and, “We look forward to gathering around the table to enjoy freshly cooked rice together as a family.”
Additionally, the cooker features a simple, timeless design that blends well with both Japanese and Western interiors. This combination of functionality and aesthetic appeal makes it a beloved addition to any dining table, bringing warmth and richness to mealtime.
We are confident that this ceramic rice cooker will continue to be cherished by many, offering both practicality and beauty for years to come.

長野県のリゾートホテルに、陶器製の茶香炉を納品いたしました。茶香炉は、茶葉をゆっくりと煎り、その香ばしい香りを楽しむためのアイテムです。茶葉がじんわりと温められることで、リラックス効果のある心地よい香りが部屋全体に広がります。 ホテルでは、客室やラウンジスペースに設置され、「特別な癒しの時間を提供する」として、宿泊客から高い評価をいただいています。特に、長野県ならではの自然豊かな環境と相まって、茶香炉の香りが深いリラクゼーション効果を生み出し、思い出に残る滞在体験を演出しています。
We have delivered ceramic tea incense burners to a resort hotel in Nagano Prefecture. These tea burners are designed to slowly roast tea leaves, releasing a soothing and aromatic fragrance. As the tea leaves gently warm, a relaxing scent fills the entire room, creating a calming atmosphere.
The hotel has placed these burners in guest rooms and lounge areas, where they have been highly praised by guests for providing “a special moment of relaxation.” The combination of the tea burner’s aroma and Nagano’s rich natural surroundings enhances the relaxation experience, leaving guests with memorable stays.
To allow guests to enjoy the same comforting aroma at home, the tea burners are also available for purchase at the hotel’s souvenir shop. Many guests have expressed their desire to “bring home the soothing scent that made their stay unforgettable,” making this a popular item.
With its warm ceramic texture and refined Japanese aesthetic, the tea burner serves both as a functional and decorative item. It enhances the hotel’s hospitality experience and offers guests a meaningful keepsake to cherish long after their visit.

お客様の声から生まれた、省スペース設計の陶器製お札立てを制作いたしました。このお札立ては、家庭やオフィスの限られたスペースでも、心穏やかに祈りや感謝の時間を持てるように設計されています。 陶器特有の温かみのある質感と、自然を思わせる柔らかなデザインが特徴です。お札が安定して収まり、見栄えが美しいため、インテリアとしても調和します。限られた空間を活用しながらも、しっかりと「祈りの場」を演出できるアイテムとして評価をいただいております。
We have created a space-saving ceramic amulet stand, inspired by customer feedback. This stand is designed to provide a peaceful space for prayer and gratitude, even in limited areas such as homes or offices.
The stand features the warm texture of ceramic and a soft, nature-inspired design. It securely holds amulets in place and offers a visually pleasing presentation, blending seamlessly with various interior styles. Despite its compact size, it effectively creates a meaningful “prayer space,” earning high praise from users.
Customers have shared positive feedback, saying, “I can now incorporate daily prayers with ease,” and, “I can respectfully display my amulet without needing a dedicated area.” These comments, along with increased repeat orders, reflect the growing popularity of this item.
As a product born from customer needs, this amulet stand supports the creation of prayer spaces that align with modern lifestyles, offering both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

お客様の声から生まれた商品 陶製ティッシュケース
お客様のご要望に応え、重厚感のある陶器製ティッシュケースを制作いたしました。このティッシュケースは、陶器特有の程よい重量感があるため、ティッシュを引き出す際にケースが浮き上がったり、ズレたりすることがありません。 シンプルで使いやすい設計も大きな特徴で、ケースの側面に開いた口からティッシュを差し込むだけで、簡単にセットが完了します。機能性に加え、陶器ならではの質感やデザインが高く評価され、モダンなインテリアとしても人気を集めています。
In response to customer requests, we have created a sturdy ceramic tissue case. Thanks to the moderate weight of the ceramic material, the case stays firmly in place without lifting or shifting when tissues are pulled out.
The case is designed for ease of use, featuring a side opening where tissues can be easily inserted for quick setup. In addition to its functionality, the unique texture and design of the ceramic have been highly praised, making it a popular choice as a modern interior accessory.
Customers have shared positive feedback, such as, “It stores tissues stylishly without disrupting the room’s decor,” and, “It combines both practicality and great design.” This case has been particularly well-received for use in living rooms and office spaces.
This product brings a touch of elegance to everyday life, serving as both a practical and decorative item cherished by many.

焼肉店様向けに、特製の陶器製長角皿を制作・納品いたしました。この長角皿は、焼肉の盛り付けに最適な形状で、複数の部位や付け合わせを美しく配置できるデザインとなっています。 陶器特有の質感により、料理の美味しさを引き立てる効果があります。お店のコンセプトに合わせた色味とデザインを採用し、高級感と親しみやすさを両立させています。
We have created and delivered custom ceramic rectangular plates to a yakiniku (grilled meat) restaurant. These plates are designed with an ideal shape for arranging various cuts of meat and side dishes in a visually appealing manner.
The unique texture of ceramic enhances the presentation and perceived flavor of the food. The colors and design were customized to align with the restaurant’s concept, balancing both luxury and approachability.
The restaurant has shared positive feedback, stating that “the presentation of dishes has improved significantly, leading to higher customer satisfaction.” This has also resulted in repeat orders. The plates are particularly valued for their presence when showcasing premium cuts and course meals, making them an essential element of the dining experience.
These rectangular plates contribute to enhancing the restaurant’s value by offering guests a visually engaging and enjoyable dining experience.